253 - Christmas Gifts for Children in Batnaya
On the last day of 2022, we were in Batnaya! 🫶 We wish you a Happy 2023. Thank you to all the donors and volunteers who made our efforts...
253 - Christmas Gifts for Children in Batnaya
253 - Christmas Gifts for Children in Baqopa
253 - Christmas Gifts for Children in Tel Keppe
253 - Christmas Gifts for Children in Baghdeda
253 - Christmas Gifts for Children in Bartella
250 - Strengthening a 20-year-old clothing shop for women's dresses
249 - Traditional folkloric clothing creation course in Baghdeda
248 - 22 solar street lights for Karanjo and Garmawa
247 - 1,667 copies of books to students in 3 high schools in Tesqopa and Alqosh
246 - Establishing a religious gift shop for an unemployed man
245 - Five-day camp for 75 teens of Hammurabi Scouts
243 - Connecting Barwar to Duhok