Shlama Football League
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The Shlama Football League (SFL) aims to help the young people of the homeland in different ways. With the majority of participants having been displaced or living as displaced due to the war, the league will serve as an outlet to help young adults on their path to psychological recovery. After the liberation from ISIS, the international community has been focusing on rebuilding the major infrastructure of towns and villages, such as water and electricity. However, the small social infrastructure that existed prior to the invasion, is non-existent today. This has led to a shortage of healthy activities for young adults to build fellowship and strong mental health coping mechanisms. Some local sports clubs have relaunched in order to support physical activities, but with no financial help, they are not able to hold regular leagues and tournaments. With the SFL, young males and females will have the opportunity to interact with other villages as they compete in the games. Many Chaldean/Syriac/Assyrians in the homeland do not get to visit other towns aside from the ones surrounding their own because they don’t know anyone from those areas. The SFL promotes these young people from all across northern Iraq to be friends with each other, and establish networks that can benefit them in the future.
The SFL strives to develop the football skills of the participants so that talented and motivated athletes can have an opportunity to compete at the international level, giving them a chance at a brighter career. Additionally, the SFL will also help the local clubs gain experience in participating and co-managing leagues so that they are able to implement their own local versions. Creating praiseworthy opportunities for adult athletes is also an important inspiration for prospective young athletes. Moreover, the league will boost the local economy, as drivers, cleaners, media personnel, referees and seamstresses will be hired to make the SFL an annual success. And finally, this league will give the diaspora communities the opportunity to finally connect with their youth community in the homeland on a more personal level. Player profiles will be posted on a website with pictures, videos and contact information. That way, we can finally put pictures and names on our remaining nation in the homeland.
In order to make this league a success, we need sponsors. Your donation will go towards the following expenses:
•Transportation for the teams
•Rental of stadiums
•Stipends for referees, recorders and moderators
•Professional photography of games
•Online streaming of the games
•Refreshments for the players and food for the traveling teams
•Website and social media management
•Trophies and medals for the winning players
•Celebration ceremony